
download Heart Container Battery Meter apk free

by - 4:25 AM

download Heart Container Battery Meter apk free

Heart Container Battery Meter


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Only 5 more downloads until Heart Container hits 5,000 downloads! Please, tell your friends! And thank you for all your support.

Praise for Heart Container Battery Meter:

- "Totally awesome." - Chris Parsons of Android Central

- "Quite awesomely 8-bit retro...just makes my nerd heart happy." - Paul E King of Good and Evo

Heart Container Battery Widget is like having an 8-bit or 16-bit health bar for your phone with many styles to choose from!

Fans of old school gaming will recognize this app as a life meter similar to Legend of Zelda, Minecraft, Scott Pilgrim, and many other video games.

This health bar, however, is used to indicate remaining battery life. As the phones battery takes damage(discharges), the hearts are depleted piece by piece just like a video game.

While charging your phone, the life meter will animate as it refills!

This battery widget is light on resources and uses no battery. The app only updates when the system updates the battery percentage.

Heart Container is a widget. Meaning it will not show up like a normal app.

To add Heart Container to your phones home screen(these directions will vary depending on device:

1. Find an empty spot on your home screen.

2. Press and hold your finger on an empty spot until a menu appears.

3. Select "Add Widget" or "Widget".

4. Scroll down until you see Heart Container on the list and select it.

5. Enjoy Heart Container!

Email me if you have problems. Please dont leave problems as a comment. I cant reply to comments which means I cant help you. Leaving bad feedback before asking for help is bad etiquette.

A big THANK YOU for downloading this app and all the support. I am humbled by all the positive reviews.

Explanation of the Wi-Fi permissions:

Some apps require a ton of permissions and some of those permissions sound pretty scary. As an Android user myself, I want to know why an app I am using needs each app permission before installing so I am going to explain Heart Containers permissions for everyones benefit. Heart Container Battery Meter only has permission to see if the Wi-Fi is on/off and to enable/disable Wi-Fi, but only if the user physically does so. Heart Container does not have access to any network. Google has labelled Androids app permissions in such a way that the permissions look like they allow more access than they really do(for some of them). This apps permissions are "Network Communication: Access Wi-Fi State" and "Network Communication: Change Wi-Fi State". Not to be confused with other permissions such as "Network Communication: Full Internet Access". Heart Container does not have nor does it require this permission.

And again, thanks for all the support and positive feedback. Keep the great reviews coming. I read all the comments and reply to each and every email I receive from my customers.

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Earlier tonight I saw my first movie of this 30-day festival tour, visit to the world premiere of the latest movie One Hour Photo director Mark Romaneks Never Let Me Go to Telluride. It is on the beloved novel by Kazuo Ishiguro and its kind of period piece drama about a love triangle between three people raised in England, but there is a lot more to offer than just that , if you manage to complete free will of all spoiler, then stop at the end of this paragraph, but I want say that I loved it. It is a beautiful film, full of fantastic performance and incredibly moving and emotional download Heart Container Battery Meter 2.06 free android app . Its not perfect, but it is a wonderful film.

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