Download PES 2015 Patch Tuga Vicio v0 1
Download PES 2015 Patch Tuga Vicio v0.1
![Download PES 2015 Patch Tuga Vicio v0.1 Download PES 2015 Patch Tuga Vicio v0.1 [MocoTekno]](
Free Download PES 2015 Patch Tuga Vicio v0.1
Fitur di PES 2015 Patch Tuga Vicio v0.1 :
- Premier League (100%)
- SkyBet Championship (100%)
- Serie A (100%)
- Serie B (fatam alguns emblemas)
- Eredivisie (100%)
- Ligue 1 (100%)
- Ligue 2 (100%)
- Liga BBVA (100%)
- Liga Adelante (100%)
- Premier League Portugal (100%)
- Brasileirão with many improvements
- Names and logos of the cups
- Names and logos of the championships
- Name of some coaches
- Other improvements made
Cara Install PES 2015 Patch Tuga Vicio v0.1 :
- Pertama game PES 2015 telah terinstall di PC sobat.
- Jalankan installer patch lalu install ke direktori PES 2015 ( C:ProgramFilesPro Evolution Soccer 2015)
- Lakukan instalasi seperti biasa hingga selesai.
- Jika sudah selesai, tutup installer tersebut dan mainkan PESnya.
- Selesai deh :)
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Topic :
Pes 2015 Pacth
PES 2015 Patch Tuga Vicio v0.1
Available link for download