
free Tears 9 10 Updated 3 torrent download

by - 3:12 AM

free Tears 9 10 Updated 3 torrent download

Tears 9, 10 (Updated)


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- Content will be downloaded at first launch. WIFI environment is recommended.

- Support Android OS 2.3+

Its about a boy meets a girl, who never give up her dream.

This is the first story from independet developer, Team DTR.

Please be noticed that this is a remake version of the legendary korean independent game, Tears 9, 10(2003).

- Added New Ending.

- Added New Scenario.

- Added Extra Scenario, playable after all scenario finished.

- Renewed and added all character and event CGs.

- Supported language : English, Korean. (Japanese TBD)

- The majority of reviews are "Thanks for making this game"

Team DTR is developing games, wishing the world to be a better place.

Heres some introduction of our user reviews.

"She never breaks her will, no matter how the life tough... She is cool, lovely, and I am very touched." (by Crisis)

"Awsome! Its been a while to be such impressed. Thank you. I played 3 consecutive times to the whole story... The impression still ligers in my mind. (by emoon)

"I kept weeping for 20 minutes.. The story is very touching..." (by routine)

"Ive been groaned for one whole week... Introduced and recommended to friends. " (by UncleRabbit)

"I brought some lessons... TT I thought it was a dating game.. now Im so touched." (by Jenar)

"My tears dropped.. I was thinking about all kind of conditions, when being asked about essentails for pianists... I teach kids and grown-ups, but Im ashamed of myself for not metioning any dream... " (by Ganseogu)

"The graphics and musics were a little bit awkward, but the awesome storyline covers everything up!!I really encourage you guys to buy this game. Worth every penny." (by MSN04 sazabi)

"Amazing story, very touching." (by Drelbs2345)

" One of the best value VNs on iTunes. Itll make you laugh, cry and think about your life circumstances. "(by Rezznik)

" the story is very moving, the art is high quality, and the price is right! This is better than the ten dollar VNs currently being sold. Fantastic! " (by runner724)

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