free GW Mail torrent download
GW Mail
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GW Mail is an email client for Novell GroupWise. With this app you get a much better interface than Novell delivers by default through GroupWise WebAccess. This app gives you some of the enterprise features that you would not get with simple POP/IMAP - like access to your Frequent Contacts and GroupWise address book.
Current features:
Read your mail list
Notifications for new mailbox items
Switch folders, move items to folders
Read emails, and delete, read later, properties, etc.
Read attachments using the GroupWise WebAccess viewer
Download and view attachments using apps on your device
Compose emails
Address book searching
Accept or decline appointments, tasks and notes
We highly recommend checking out our free GW Lite app to test whether or not your server works with our apps before purchasing this app.
GW Mail for Android has been tested to work with GroupWise 2012, 8, 7 and 6.5
We have released our GW Calendar as a separate app. It gives you good access to your GroupWise Calendar with a calendar specific interface.
To send a support request email, please do so from the app. Open the app. From the main page, tap on the Support button in the upper right corner. If you are running an older version of Android, this may be accessed from the menu button. If you are having trouble doing that, you can send an email directly to Please include information about your device and the version of GroupWise that you are using.
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