
how to enable whatsapp call

by - 3:21 PM

how to enable whatsapp call


??????? ????????????? whatsapp ???? ??????? ???????? ???????? ??????? ???????????..

??????????? ??????? ??????????? ?????????? ???? whatsapp call ?????? ??????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????? ??????? ?? ???????? ????? ????????? ???????? ???????????..

?????? ???? ???? ???? ?????? ?????? ?????? ????? ???? apk ??  install ?????????????????..

old whatsapp messeanger back ??????? ?????? ???? whatsapp ? uninstall ?????? ?????????..

????? ???? ??????? ???????? ?????? download ????? whatsapp messeanger install ?????????..

??????? whatsapp call enable ???????????,????? ?????? whatsapp number ???? ???? ????? ????????..

step:1 backup whatsapp

step:2 uninstall old whatsapp

step:3 install WhatsApp call enable.ammapettai.com.apk

step:4 recive whatsapp call from anyone

step:5 ur whatsap caaling enable sucess

WhatsApp call enable.ammapettai.com.apk

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Available link for download

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